When a node is federated with a deployment manager, the base node's configuration is first backed up, then replaced with a new configuration containing the node agent. 当某个节点与部署管理器联合时,首先备份基本节点的配置,然后替换为包含节点代理的新配置。
When a node is registered with an administrative agent, the base node's configuration is not backed up, and only minor changes are made to its configuration. 当某个节点向管理代理注册时,不备份基本节点的配置,而只是略微更改其配置。
If the current node has the string, that's a base case ( returning "true"). 如果当前节点拥有那个字符串,则那就是基线条件(返回“true”)。
The starting point is a root node ( the root node is the base of the tree; all other nodes are descendents of this node). 起始点是一个rootnode(根节点是树的根基,所有其他节点都是这个节点的后代)。
Node is an abstract class that is the base class of all graphical objects in JavaFX. Node是一个抽象类,是JavaFX中所有图形对象的基类。
A New Type Wireless Sensor Networks Node Design Base on GPS Technology 一种基于GPS技术的新型无线传感网络节点设计
Node controlled blasting of a building strip-shaped base 建筑物条形基础节点控制爆破
This paper analyze and discuss the research status quo and design ways for the complicated iron tower's node at domestic and oversea, at the base of it we introduced the fuzzy analyses of elasticity node and constructed the calculative model of plane and space. 针对铁塔结构中节点连接的复杂性,分析和讨论了国内外输电铁塔的研究现状及设计计算方法,引入了弹性节点的模糊分析,并建立了平面和空间刚架的计算模型。
By properly selecting base node, base graph and generators, we can construct new and efficient interconnection networks for new applications. 在ECG模型中,通过选择基结点和基图、组合各种生成因子,可以为实际应用构造新的互连网络模型。
In this paper, we presented DEED, a distributed energy efficient protocol with data fusion technology. DEED clusters nodes into groups and builds routing tree among cluster heads, among which only the root node communicates the base station directly. 本文提出了一种分布的、高效节能的通信协议DEED,DEED利用了数据聚合技术,以聚类的方式组织节点,聚类首领在网络中均匀分布并组织成路由树,由根节点与基站直接通信。
Adventitious roots cood be produced in every position of the branches inserted in the seedbed, most of which distributed in 1& 3 node of base. 不定根的形成可以产生在插入苗床的枝段各个部位,以基部1&3节最多,主要由维管形成层细胞或韧皮部薄壁细胞分裂产生。
Energy is the most critical resource in the life of a sensor node, therefore, its usage must be optimized to maximize the network life. If each node transmits data to sink or base station directly, then it will deplete its power quickly. 节点能量管理的优化对于延长网络寿命具有重要影响,如果每个节点直接向sink节点或基站发送信息,节点电池很快耗尽,网络也会失去作用。
Development of Analogy Network Node on the Base of Embedded PLC 基于嵌入式PLC的多路模拟量网络节点的开发
The vertical distribution Brix in main stem or tiller are: nodal distance above middle node is higher, top and base modal distance are lower. 无论是主茎还是分蘖,其茎秆糖锤度的垂直分布为中部偏上节间较高,上部和下部节间较低。
Regular Distribution System of Process Node Base on Internet 一种基于Internet的过程节点正则分布系统
This method establishes relations between rules based on relativity matrix of node rules, and avoids the knowledge base being redundant and contradictory 提出了一种基于结点规则的相关矩阵的构造规则间层级关系的知识管理方法,该方法可使知识库避免冗余和矛盾
The self-localization method of the landmine node base on the time of arrival ( TOA) ranging algorithm is studied. With the results of the near-ground propagation characteristics, the location and ranging error are analyzed, then the method of improving the self-localization precision are given. 研究并确定了基于时间到达的地雷节点自定位方法,根据IR-UWB信号近地面传播特性研究的相关结论,对定位测距误差进行了分析,并提出了提高地雷节点自定位精度的方法。
On the hardware platform which we developed, we made a star network of sensor node and coordinator by programming base on TI Z-Stack protocol stack. 针对自行开发的硬件平台,在TI公司的Z-Stack协议栈的基础上编写程序,实现了由协调器和传感器节点组成的星型网络。
The algorithm is based on selection of the optimal route from each node to the Base Station via possible cluster heads. 该算法的主要思路是选择一条从节点到基站所经过簇首的最优路径。
This paper designs a type of sensor network node base on radio wake-up mechanism. 在射频唤醒机制的基础上,设计了能发挥这种机制的传感器网络节点。
Secondly, it improve the node selection strategy and update pheromone dynamically base on the objective function value. 二是改进节点选择策略,并根据目标函数值动态更新信息素。
For space detection process, the neighbors calculated the data similarity with the temporality node. If the similarity is more than the threshold, the current data is considered outlier; the node should transmit the data to the base and send ACK to the temporality node. 在空间关联检测过程,邻居节点计算与暂时性异常节点感知数据的相似度,如果数据相似度大于给定阈值,则视为异常数据,向基站发送感知数据并向暂时性异常节点发送应答信息。
Large international airport is the node and base of the aviation transportation network, concentrating a great deal of people stream, material stream, capital stream and information stream. 大型国际机场是航空运输网络的节点和基地,汇聚了大量的人流、物流、资金流和信息流。
This paper takes the new century as the node, studies PSA in China on the base of communication theory. 本文正是以新世纪为节点,从传播学理论入手对公益广告进行研究。
In this model, every sensor node can send the data packet to any other sensor node, including the base station. 在此模型中,每个传感器节点可以将数据传给其它任意一个节点(包括基站)。
Based on the reversed binary tree constructed automatically by the algorithm, all of the feasible paths in the program from the source node to the base node are found, and the related test data are generated for each feasible path. 4. 基于自动构造的倒置二叉树,新算法能快速找出程序中所有从源节点到基节点的可行路径,同时能为每条可行路径自动生成适合的测试数据。
Among the three parts, the last two are introduced more particular. Hardware design includes circuit design of MBUS master station, wireless sensor network nodes, wireless sensor network root node, base station of data acquisition system. 硬件设计包括MBUS主站电路设计、无线传感网络节点电路设计、无线传感网络根节点电路设计、数据采集系统基站电路设计,其中重点介绍了MBUS主站电路的设计和实现。
The analysis of the protocol shows that it can resist various attacks in the routing layer of wireless sensor networks, which provides a good guarantee that the data can be securely and quickly from the source node to the base station. 经分析该协议能够抵抗无线传感器网络路由层的多种攻击,为数据安全、快捷地由源节点到基站提供了良好的保证。
However, a comprehensive distributed node localization method base on traditional technologies has appeared, which apply to free distribution networks system, such as Ad-Hoc networks. 但是在传统的技术基础之上,在如Ad-Hoc等自由分布的网络系统方面,一种综合性的分布式的定位方式已经出现,这为属于固定分布网络的蜂窝通信系统提供了一种可行的定位策略。
In this system, in order to support the streaming media applications, our each node in the P2P systems base on the three layers of software architecture: abstraction layer, media control layer, media layer. 对于本系统,我们的每个节点在P2P的系统上建立了一个三层软件架构,以此来支持流媒体的应用:抽象层,媒体控制层,媒体播放层。